
Does Celebrity Get Paid To Be A Guest On A Talk Show?

Does Celebrity Get Paid To Be A Guest On A Talk Show?

Guests generally don't get paid. It's not like Madonna needs the money!
Norton reaches maybe 2.5 million viewers in the UK (2018). It is also appears in the US and other territories. So it's essentially free advertising for the celeb and gives access to a huge global audience.
Indeed, one may argue the celebrities should be paying the BBC for such high profile exposure like they would for a TV advertising spot.
You have 10 mins of mild ribbing by Norton and then you mime for 3 mins to your song — not exactly hard work!
Depending on the level of celeb, there are likely to be rules about what can and can't be discussed issued by the celebs PR. So question approval, may be part of the deal. I don't know if Norton offers this. Madge, Adele, The Beckham's, Gaga are known for this. Indeed, this can make for very, very, dull interviews.
While Madonna may wish to gush about her 14th album, as an interviewer you want more of the personal stuff. In the case of her Madge-esty that's the kids and the Africa stuff.
 But while A-list celebs don’t get paid. They will be treated in a similar way airlines treat VIPs. No doubt there would be a limo sent and they get a rider, as a minimum.

Most celebrities appearing on a talk show are appearing to promote something, so it isn't customary to pay an appearance fee. 

Yes they’re paid but not by jimmy kimmel, for example when a star comes to the show to promote a movie, TV show … they are paid by the movie producer as part as an advertising campaign/duty. this clause is included in their contract as well as hotels and travel fees that are paid by the production company including a daily envelope for food and drinks

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